The main interface

class configsuite.ConfigSuite(raw_config, schema, layers=(), extract_validation_context=<function ConfigSuite.<lambda>>, extract_transformation_context=<function ConfigSuite.<lambda>>)[source]

A Suite exposing the functionality of Config Suite in a unified manner.

The intended usage of Config Suite is via this immutable suite. It is constructed with a schema describing the structure of a configuration, together with a raw_config and possibly additional layers.

The configuration taking precedence.
A description of the structure of a valid configuration, together with actions that are to be carried out.
layers: iterable of layers, optional
Additional layers of configuration. A layer takes precedence over all other layers following it in the given sequence. Note that raw_config takes precedence over all elements of layers.
extract_validation_context: callable, optional
Callable that extracts the context used for validation. The callable is given a snapshot of the configuration as argument. Defaults to the constant function always returning None.
extract_transformation_context: callable, optional
Callable that extracts the context used for transformations. The callable is given a snapshot of the configuration as argument. Defaults to the constant function always returning None.
TypeError, KeyError, ValueError
Approperiate errors are raised if provided with an invalid schema. Note that errors are independent of raw_config and layers and hence not user input responsive.

An iterable of configsuite.errors that occurred during validation. Is always empty if valid is True and non-empty otherwise.


Builds a new suite with raw_config on top of the current suite.

Builds a new suite with the same schema, but with raw_config on top of the layers in the current suite.

A configuration that is to take precedence over all layers in the current suite.

A new ConfigSuite with raw_config as the first layer.


A boolean indicating whether the resulting configuration was deemed readable. Is always True if valid is True. For the consequences of being readable, see the documentation of snapshot.


A complete, immutable representation of the resulting configuration.

Raised on access if suite is not readable.

A boolean indicating whether the resulting configuration was deemed valid according to the schema.