Getting started

A first glance

For now we will just assume that we have a schema that describes the expected input. Informally say that we have a very simple configuration where one can specify ones name and hobby, i.e:

name: Espen Askeladd
hobby: collect stuff

You can then instantiate a suite as follows:

# ... configuration is loaded into 'input_config' ...

import configsuite

suite = configsuite.ConfigSuite(input_config, schema)

You can now check whether data provided in input_config is valid by accessing suite.valid.

if suite.valid:
    print("Congratulations! The config is valid.")
    print("Sorry, the configuration is invalid.")

Now, given that the configuration is indeed valid you would probably like to access the data. This can be done via the ConfigSuite member named snapshot. Hence, we could change our example above to:

if suite.valid:
    msg = "Congratulations {name}! The config is valid. Go {hobby}."
    msg = msg.format(,
    print("Sorry, the configuration is invalid.")

And if feed the example configuration above the output would be

Congratulations Espen Askeladd! The config is valid. Go collect stuff.

However, if we changed the value of name to 13 (or even worse ["My", "name", "is kind", "of odd"]) we would expect the configuration to be invalid and hence that the output would be Sorry, the configuration is invalid. And as useful as this is it would be even better to gain more detailed information about the errors.

>>> print(invalid_suite.errors)
(InvalidTypeError(msg=Is x a string is false on input '13', key_path=('hobby',), layer=None),)
if suite.valid:
    msg = "Congratulations {name}! The config is valid. Go {hobby}."
    msg = msg.format(,

    print("Sorry, the configuration is invalid.")
Congratulations Espen Askeladd! The config is valid. Go collect stuff.

A first schema

The below schema is indeed the one used in our example above. It consists of a single collection containing the two keys name and hobby, both of which value should be a string.

from configsuite import types
from configsuite import MetaKeys as MK

schema = {
    MK.Type: types.NamedDict,
    MK.Content: {
        "name": {MK.Type: types.String},
        "hobby": {MK.Type: types.String},

Notice the usage of the meta key Type to specify the type of a specific element and the usage of Content to specify the content of a container.


In Config Suite we differentiate between basic types and collections. Basic types are single valued entities, while collections are data structures that can hold multiple basic types. In our first example the entire configuration was considered a collection (of type Named dict), while name and hobby are basic types. And while you can define arbitrary basic types, one cannot create new collections while using Config Suite.

Basic types

We will now give a brief introductory to the basic types. All of them can be utilized in a schema by utilizing the MK.Type keyword as displayed above. For an introduction to how one can implement user defined basic types we refer the reader to the advanced section.


We have already seen the usage of the String type above. It basically accepts everything considered a string in Python (defined by six.string_types).


An Integer is as the name suggests an integer.


When a Number is specified any integer or floating point value is accepted.


Both boolean values True and False are accepted.


A date in specified in ISO-format, [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD] that is.


A date and time is expected in ISO-format ([YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[hh]:[mm]:[ss]).


We will now explore the supported collections. These will form the backbone of your configuration. In short, if you have a dictionary where you know the keys up front, you are looking for a Named dict, if you have dictionary with arbitrary keys, you are looking for a Dict. If you have a sequence of elements, you should check out List.

Named dict

We have already seen the usage of a Named dict. In particular, it allows for mapping values (of potentially different types) to names that we know up front. This allows us to represent them as attributes of the snapshot (or an sub element of the snapshot). In general, if you know the values of all of the keys up front, then a named dict is the right container for you.

from configsuite import types
from configsuite import MetaKeys as MK

schema = {
    MK.Type: types.NamedDict,
    MK.Content: {
        "owner": {
            MK.Type: types.NamedDict,
            MK.Content: {
                "name": {MK.Type: types.String},
                "credit": {MK.Type: types.Number},
                "insured": {MK.Type: types.Bool},
        "car": {
            MK.Type: types.NamedDict,
            MK.Content: {
                "brand": {MK.Type: types.String},
                "first_registered": {MK.Type: types.Date}

the above example describes a configuration describing both an owner and a car. for the owner the name, credit and whether she is insured is to be specified, while for the car the brand and date it was first_registered is specified. a valid configuration could look something like this:

  name: Donald Duck
  credit: -1000
  insured: true

  brand: Belchfire Runabout
  first_registered: 1938-07-01

and now, we could validate and access the data as follows:

# ... configuration is loaded into 'input_config' ...

import configsuite

suite = configsuite.ConfigSuite(input_config, schema)

if suite.valid:
    print("name of owner is {}".format(
    print("car was first registered {}".format(
name of owner is Donald Duck
car was first registered 1938-07-01

Notice that since keys in a named dict are made attributes in the snapshot, they all have to be valid Python variable names.


Another supported container is the List. The data should be bundled together either in a Python list or a tuple. A very concrete difference of a Config Suite list and a Python list is that in Config Suite all elements are expected to be of the same type. This makes for an easier format for the user as well as the programmer when one is dealing with configurations. A very simple example representing a list of integers would be as follows:

import configsuite
from configsuite import types
from configsuite import MetaKeys as MK

schema = {
    MK.Type: types.List,
    MK.Content: {
        MK.Item: {
            MK.Type: types.Integer,

config = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 13]

suite = configsuite.ConfigSuite(config, schema)

if suite.valid:
    for idx, value in enumerate(suite.snapshot):
        print("config[{}] is {}".format(idx, value))
config[0] is 1
config[1] is 1
config[2] is 2
config[3] is 3
config[4] is 5
config[5] is 7
config[6] is 13

A more complex example can be made by considering our example from the NamedDict section and imagining that an owner could have multiple cars that was to be contained in a list.

import datetime

import configsuite
from configsuite import types
from configsuite import MetaKeys as MK

schema = {
    MK.Type: types.NamedDict,
    MK.Content: {
        "owner": {
            MK.Type: types.NamedDict,
            MK.Content: {
                "name": {MK.Type: types.String},
                "credit": {MK.Type: types.Number},
                "insured": {MK.Type: types.Bool},
        "cars": {
            MK.Type: types.List,
            MK.Content: {
                MK.Item: {
                    MK.Type: types.NamedDict,
                    MK.Content: {
                        "brand": {MK.Type: types.String},
                        "first_registered": {MK.Type: types.Date}

config = {
    "owner": {
      "name": "Donald Duck",
      "credit": -1000,
      "insured": True,
    "cars": [
          "brand": "Belchfire Runabout",
          "first_registered":, 7, 1),
          "brand": "Duckworth",
          "first_registered":, 9, 18),

suite = configsuite.ConfigSuite(config, schema)

if suite.valid:
    print("name of owner is {}".format(
    for car in
        print("- {}".format(car.brand))
name of owner is Donald Duck
- Belchfire Runabout
- Duckworth

Notice that is returned as a tuple-like structure. It is iterable, indexable ([0]) and immutable.


The last of the data structures is the Dict. Contrary to the NamedDict one does not need to know the keys upfront and in addition the keys can be of other types than just strings. However, the restriction is that all the keys needs to be of the same type and all the values needs to be of the same type. The rationale for this is similar to that one of the list. Uniform types for arbitrary sized configurations are easier and better, both for the user and the programmer. A simple example mapping animals to frequencies are displayed below.

import configsuite
from configsuite import types
from configsuite import MetaKeys as MK

schema = {
    MK.Type: types.Dict,
    MK.Content: {
        MK.Key: {MK.Type: types.String},
        MK.Value: {MK.Type: types.Integer},

config = {
    "donkey": 16,
    "horse": 28,
    "monkey": 13,

suite = configsuite.ConfigSuite(config, schema)
assert suite.valid

for animal, frequency in suite.snapshot:
    print("{} was observed {} times".format(animal, frequency))
donkey was observed 16 times
horse was observed 28 times
monkey was observed 13 times

As you can see, the elements of a Dict is accessible in (key, value) pairs in the same manner dict.items() would provide for a Python dictionary. The reason for not supporting indexing by key is Dict, contrary to NamedDict, is for dictionaries with an unknown set of keys. Hence, processing them as key-value-pairs is the only rational thing to do.

Configuration readiness

A very central concept in Config Suite is that of configuration readiness. Given that our configuration is indeed valid we can trust that suite.snapshot will describe all values as defined in the schema and that all the values are valid. Hence, we do not need to check for availability nor correctness of the configuration.


The concept of configuration readiness implies if one specified a value in the schema, one is to expect that that piece of data is indeed present in the snapshot. But what if the configuration fed to the suite is not valid? If the errors appear in basic types, one can still access all the data as expected (i.e. from the car example above). However, if a container is of the wrong type one cannot guarantee such a thing. In particular, if we bring back the single-car example from above and consider the following configuration:

  name: Donald Duck
  credit: -1000
  insured: true

  - my first car
  - my second car

The car data is completely off and there is no way one could provide a reasonable value for In such scenarios the configuration is deemed unreadable. There is a special marker for this, namely ConfigSuite.readable. If readable is true, then the snapshot can be built and all the entire configuration can be accessed. However, if the suite is not readable and one tries to fetch the snapshot an AssertionError will be raised.

Note that all valid suites also are readable. And that all unreadable suites also are invalid.

Allow None

For certain configurations it may be reasonable to provide None as the value. The AllowNone type is only valid for BasicType’s, not for containers. Setting AllowNone for anything but BasicType will result in an invalid schema.

Let us see how the owner section of the cars schema could be configured in order for a configuration with None to pass.

import configsuite
from configsuite import types
from configsuite import MetaKeys as MK

schema = {
    MK.Type: types.NamedDict,
    MK.Content: {
        "owner": {
            MK.Type: types.NamedDict,
            MK.Content: {
                "name": {MK.Type: types.String},
                "credit": {
                    MK.Type: types.Number,
                    MK.AllowNone: True,
                    MK.Required: False,
                "insured": {MK.Type: types.Bool},

config = {
    "owner": {
            "name": "Scrooge",
            "credit": None,
            "insured": False,

suite = configsuite.ConfigSuite(config, schema)
assert suite.valid

owner = suite.snapshot.owner
print("{} has a credit of {}".format(,
Scrooge has a credit of None

Allow Empty

Occasionally one would like to require variable length containers (lists and dicts) to have at least one element. This can be implemented with a validator on the container (see Validators). However, as this feature have been requested multiple times, we’ve decided to implement explicit support for it without having to implement your own validator. Note that by default all containers are allowed to be empty.

import configsuite
from configsuite import types
from configsuite import MetaKeys as MK

schema = {
    MK.Type: types.List,
    MK.AllowEmpty: False,
    MK.Content: {
        MK.Item: {MK.Type: types.Integer},

non_empty_suite = configsuite.ConfigSuite([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], schema)
assert non_empty_suite.valid

empty_suite = configsuite.ConfigSuite([], schema)
assert not empty_suite.valid

Default values

So far all entries in your configuration file have been mandatory to fill in. And if some key in a Named dict would be missing a MissingKeyError would be registered. However, this is not always the wanted behaviour. By using the MetaKeys.Required option you can control whether a key is indeed required. You could change the cars schema above such that credit would be optional as follows:

from configsuite import types
from configsuite import MetaKeys as MK

schema = {
    MK.Type: types.NamedDict,
    MK.Content: {
        "owner": {
            MK.Type: types.NamedDict,
            MK.Content: {
                "name": {MK.Type: types.String},
                "credit": {
                    MK.Type: types.Number,
                    MK.Required: False,
                "insured": {MK.Type: types.Bool},
        "cars": {
            MK.Type: types.List,
            MK.Content: {
                MK.Item: {
                    MK.Type: types.NamedDict,
                    MK.Content: {
                        "brand": {MK.Type: types.String},
                        "first_registered": {MK.Type: types.Date}

And then if no credit was specified a MissingKeyError would not be registered. However, recall the principle of configuration readiness. Since, the programmer should not have to special case whether or not the value is present in the snapshot. The snapshot is always built based on the schema and hence would indeed be an attribute independently of whether the user has configured it. In this scenario the value of would be None.

ConfigSuite requires that any entity that is not required must also allow None.

How to specify default values

There exists two ways of providing default values in Config Suite. You are to either specify it in the schema via the keyword MetaKeys.Default. This has the advantage of being able to provide default values for BasicTypes within containers. The disadvantage is that you would need to edit the code to change the default values and hence site or project specific defaults are not suited for this purpose. The second way of specifying default are via layers.

Note that no element should be both required and have a given Default value.

Schema defaults

The default value for any BasicType may be set within the schema itself by using the MK.Default key. The Type of MK.Default must be consistent with the schema configuration, otherwise it will not be valid. Please note that any Validators or Transformations are applied to default values as well, and they can be regarded as if they were coming directly from the user. Setting a default value implies that it is not required, and thus MK.Required must be set to False.

Let us see how the owner section could be configured with default value for the credit:

import configsuite
from configsuite import types
from configsuite import MetaKeys as MK

schema = {
    MK.Type: types.NamedDict,
    MK.Content: {
        "owner": {
            MK.Type: types.NamedDict,
            MK.Content: {
                "name": {MK.Type: types.String},
                "credit": {
                    MK.Type: types.Number,
                    MK.Default: 0,
                    MK.Required: False,
                    MK.AllowNone: True,
                "insured": {MK.Type: types.Bool},

config = {
    "owner": {
            "name": "Scrooge",
            "insured": False,

suite = configsuite.ConfigSuite(config, schema)
assert suite.valid

owner = suite.snapshot.owner
print("{} has a credit of {}".format(,
Scrooge has a credit of 0


Layers is a fundamental concept in Config Suite that enables you to retrieve configurations from multiple sources in a consistent manner. It can be utilized to give priority to different sources, being application defaults, installation defaults, project or user settings, as well as case specific configuration. It can also be utilized to represent changes in configuration from a UI in a consistent manner.

In short, a layer is, a possibly incomplete, configuration source. Multiple layers can be stacked on top of each other to form a single configuration. In such a stack, top layers take precedence over lower layers. For each of the types there are specific rules for how that type is merged when multiple layers are combined into a single value.

Layers can be passed to a suite via the keyword argument layers. In particular, if constructed as follows

import configsuite
from configsuite import MetaKeys as MK
from configsuite import types

schema = {
    MK.Type: types.NamedDict,
    MK.Content: {
        "a": {MK.Type: types.Integer},
        "b": {MK.Type: types.Integer},
        "c": {MK.Type: types.Integer},

config = { "a": 0 }
middle_layer = { "a": 1, "b": 1 }
bottom_layer = { "a": 2, "b": 2, "c": 2}

suite = configsuite.ConfigSuite(
    layers=(bottom_layer, middle_layer),


This will result in the layers (bottom_layer, middle_layer, config), where elements in config takes precedence over the two other layers and the elements in middle_layer over elements in bottom_layer.

Basic types

Basic types are simply overwritten and only the value from the top most layer specifying that value is kept.

Named dicts and dicts

Named dicts and dicts are by default joined in an update kind of fashion. All the values are joined recursively, key by key. This implies that for the cars-example with the following layers:

# Lower level
  name: Donald Duck
  credit: 100
# Upper level
  name: Scrooge McDuck
  insured: True

would result in the following after being merged:

# Merged configuration
  name: Scrooge McDuck
  credit: 100
  insured: True


Lists are by default appended, with the top layer elements appearing after lower levels. If we again lock at the cars-example:

# Lower level
    brand: Belchfire Runabout
    first_registered: 1938-7-1
    brand: Duckworth
    first_registered: 1987-9-18
# Upper level
    brand: Troll
    first_registered: 1956-11-6

would result in the following after being merged:

# Merged configuration
    brand: Belchfire Runabout
    first_registered: 1938-7-1
    brand: Duckworth
    first_registered: 1987-9-18
    brand: Troll
    first_registered: 1956-11-6

Documentation generation

The available functionality for generating documentation is still rather limited, but will continously be improved upon.


You can pass your schema to and it will generate documentation as reStructuredText.


Config Suite includes a sphinx extension for generating documentation. It has only been tested to work with the default sphinx theme; Alabaster. The extension must be included in the file:

extensions += "configsuite.extension.ext"

The sphinx directive configsuite can then be added in your documentation as follows:

.. configsuite::
    :module: module.function

Where the function value points to a function that returns a valid Config Suite schema.

The generated documentation will contain a section for each container and can be expanded by clicking the header. There is fairly limited graphical designs added by default, but you are free to include more. The generated html files will consist of four classes; cs_top_container, cs_container, cs_header, cs_content and cs_children. The cs_top_container contains the entire configuration, while each subsection in the schema will have at least one of each of the remaining classes.

The cs_container is the main container holding one of each of cs_header and cs_content. The cs_content contains the text from MK.Description and includes the messages from any Validators and Tansformations. The cs_children class furthermore contains a new node for each sub-element that is built with the same classes above.

Given the nature of the schema’s one would typically end up with many cs_containers. We have tried to facilitate specific customization if the user would like to have that, by including the possibility of unique id’s for every container. The id is for e.g. cs_{}_container, where {} will be replaced by the title.

You can then include a customized .css file that acts on each item.


Validators enables validation beyond the type validation. As a first example, let us say that you have a value in your configuration that should only contain characters from the alphabet and spaces. This would be a quite natural validation of the name field in our first example.

First, you need to write a function that validates the requirements above and returns its result as a boolean.

import configsuite

@configsuite.validator_msg("Is x a valid name")
def _is_name(name):
    return all(char.isalpha() or char.isspace() for char in name)

Notice the decorator validator_msg. This adds a statement regarding the purpose of the validator to the validator and a statement regarding the result of the validation to the returned result. These messages are used both if a validator fails to register errors as well as to generate documentation. In particular:

print(_is_name("My Name").msg)
Is x a valid name
Is x a valid name is false on input '1234'
Is x a valid name is true on input 'My Name'

Afterwards, you can add this to your schema as follows:

from configsuite import types
from configsuite import MetaKeys as MK

schema = {
    MK.Type: types.NamedDict,
    MK.Content: {
        "name": {
            MK.Type: types.String,
            MK.ElementValidators: (_is_name,),
        "hobby": {MK.Type: types.String},

Notice that we do not have to check that the input is a string. This is because type validation is always carried out first and the validator is only applied if the type validation succeeded.


Transformations enables changing the data in the merged configuration before it is validated and the snapshot becomes accessible. A simple example of this is that you would like to support scientific notation for numbers in your configuration files. This is a well-known short coming of PyYAML. In particular, you would like the cars example to support the following:

  name: Donald Duck
  credit: 1e10
  insured: true
cars: []

However, loading the above from a yml-file would yield the following data:

config = {
    "owner": {
      "name": "Donald Duck",
      "credit": "1e10",
      "insured": True,
    "cars": [],

Note that the value of credit is a string. However, it is easy to write a transformer for this purpose.

import configsuite

_num_convert_msg = "Tries to convert input to a float"
def _to_float(num):
    return float(num)

And now, we can insert this into the schema as follows:

from configsuite import types
from configsuite import MetaKeys as MK

schema = {
    MK.Type: types.NamedDict,
    MK.Content: {
        "owner": {
            MK.Type: types.NamedDict,
            MK.Content: {
                "name": {MK.Type: types.String},
                "credit": {
                    MK.Type: types.Number,
                    MK.Required: False,
                    MK.AllowNone: True,
                    MK.Transformation: _to_float,
                "insured": {MK.Type: types.Bool},
        "cars": {
            MK.Type: types.List,
            MK.Content: {
                MK.Item: {
                    MK.Type: types.NamedDict,
                    MK.Content: {
                        "brand": {MK.Type: types.String},
                        "first_registered": {MK.Type: types.Date}

Last, we observe that

suite = configsuite.ConfigSuite(


As a final note about transformations it should be said that currently Config Suite does not validate readability in between transformations. This implies that if a transformations has the capability of changing the data type of a collection, then the promise of the transformations being provided with data of the correct type is only true as long as the transformations preserve this while being applied.