Source code for configsuite.config

"""Copyright 2018 Equinor ASA and The Netherlands Organisation for
Applied Scientific Research TNO.

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import copy
import configsuite
import collections

from .schema import assert_valid_schema
from .meta_keys import MetaKeys as MK

[docs]class ConfigSuite(object): """A `Suite` exposing the functionality of Config Suite in a unified manner. The intended usage of Config Suite is via this immutable suite. It is constructed with a `schema` describing the structure of a configuration, together with a `raw_config` and possibly additional `layers`. Parameters ---------- raw_config The configuration taking precedence. schema A description of the structure of a valid configuration, together with actions that are to be carried out. layers: iterable of layers, optional Additional layers of configuration. A layer takes precedence over all other layers following it in the given sequence. Note that `raw_config` takes precedence over all elements of `layers`. extract_validation_context: callable, optional Callable that extracts the context used for validation. The callable is given a snapshot of the configuration as argument. Defaults to the constant function always returning `None`. extract_transformation_context: callable, optional Callable that extracts the context used for transformations. The callable is given a snapshot of the configuration as argument. Defaults to the constant function always returning `None`. deduce_required: bool, optional Boolean that enables future behaviour of deducing whether a schema entry is `required` by inspecting `allow_none` and `default`. In particular, using `required` in schemas as well as not setting `deduce_required=True` is deprecated. Raises ------ TypeError, KeyError, ValueError Approperiate errors are raised if provided with an invalid schema. Note that errors are independent of `raw_config` and `layers` and hence not user input responsive. """ def __init__( self, raw_config, schema, layers=(), extract_validation_context=lambda snapshot: None, extract_transformation_context=lambda snapshot: None, deduce_required=False, ): assert_valid_schema(schema, deduce_required=deduce_required) self._layers = tuple( [copy.deepcopy(layer) for layer in tuple(layers) + (raw_config,)] ) self._schema = copy.deepcopy(schema) self._extract_validation_context = extract_validation_context self._extract_transformation_context = extract_transformation_context self._readable = True self._valid = True self._errors = () self._snapshot = None self._deduce_required = deduce_required self._cached_merged_config = self._build_merged_config() if self._readable: self._validate_final() self._assert_state() @property def valid(self): """A boolean indicating whether the resulting configuration was deemed valid according to the schema.""" return self._valid @property def errors(self): """An iterable of `configsuite.errors` that occurred during validation. Is always empty if `valid` is `True` and non-empty otherwise.""" return self._errors @property def readable(self): """A boolean indicating whether the resulting configuration was deemed readable. Is always `True` if `valid` is `True`. For the consequences of being readable, see the documentation of `snapshot`.""" return self._readable @property def snapshot(self): """A complete, immutable representation of the resulting configuration. Raises ------ AssertionError Raised on access if `suite` is not `readable`. """ if not self.readable: err_msg = "Cannot build snapshot of unreadable configuration." raise AssertionError(err_msg) if self._snapshot is None: self._snapshot = self._build_snapshot(self._merged_config, self._schema) return self._snapshot @property def _validation_context(self): return self._extract_validation_context(self.snapshot)
[docs] def push(self, raw_config): """Builds a new suite with `raw_config` on top of the current suite. Builds a new suite with the same schema, but with `raw_config` on top of the layers in the current suite. Parameters ---------- raw_config: A configuration that is to take precedence over all layers in the current suite. Returns ------- A new `ConfigSuite` with `raw_config` as the first layer. """ return ConfigSuite( raw_config, self._schema, layers=self._layers, extract_validation_context=self._extract_validation_context, extract_transformation_context=self._extract_transformation_context, deduce_required=self._deduce_required, )
@property def _merged_config(self): """The merged config cannot be built and will also not be utilized if the config is not readable. Due to this it is built lazily. """ if not self.readable: err_msg = ( "Internal error: " "Cannot build merged_config of unreadable configuration." ) raise AssertionError(err_msg) if self._cached_merged_config is None: err_msg = ( "Internal error: " "Merged config cannot be accessed before cache is built." ) raise AssertionError(err_msg) return self._cached_merged_config def _build_merged_config(self): layers = self._build_transformed_layers() self._validate_readability(layers) if not self.readable: return None merged_config = self._build_initial_merged_config(layers, self._schema) merged_config = self._apply_transformations(merged_config) self._validate_readability((merged_config,)) if not self.readable: return None merged_config = self._apply_context_transformations(merged_config) self._validate_readability((merged_config,)) if not self.readable: return None return merged_config def _build_transformed_layers(self): layer_transformer = configsuite.Transformer( self._schema, MK.LayerTransformation, (), bottom_up=False ) layers = [] for layer in self._layers: trans_layer = layer_transformer.transform(layer) self._errors += trans_layer.errors layers.append(trans_layer.result) self._valid &= len(self._errors) == 0 return layers def _build_initial_named_dict_merged_config(self, layers, schema): rec = self._build_initial_merged_config content_schema = schema[MK.Content] def is_collection(schema_type): return isinstance(schema_type, configsuite.types.Collection) def is_defaultable(schema_item): return MK.Default in schema_item or is_collection(schema_item[MK.Type]) layer_keys = set((key for layer in layers for key in layer.keys())) defaultable_keys = set( key for key, val in content_schema.items() if is_defaultable(val) ) config = {} for key in layer_keys | defaultable_keys: child_layers = tuple([layer[key] for layer in layers if key in layer]) if key in defaultable_keys: key_type = content_schema[key][MK.Type] if is_collection(key_type): default = key_type.create_empty() else: default = content_schema[key].get(MK.Default) child_layers = (default,) + child_layers if len(child_layers) == 0: continue if key in content_schema: config[key] = rec(child_layers, content_schema[key]) else: config[key] = child_layers[-1] return config def _build_initial_dict_merged_config(self, layers, schema): rec = self._build_initial_merged_config content_schema = schema[MK.Content] config = {} all_keys = (key for layer in layers for key in layer.keys()) for key in all_keys: child_layers = tuple([layer[key] for layer in layers if key in layer]) if len(child_layers) == 0: continue config[key] = rec(child_layers, content_schema[MK.Value]) return config def _build_initial_list_merged_config(self, layers, schema): rec = self._build_initial_merged_config item_schema = schema[MK.Content][MK.Item] config = [] for layer in layers: config += [rec((item,), item_schema) for item in layer] return tuple(config) def _build_initial_merged_config(self, layers, schema): data_type = schema[MK.Type] if isinstance(data_type, configsuite.types.BasicType): return layers[-1] elif data_type == configsuite.types.List: return self._build_initial_list_merged_config(layers, schema) elif data_type == configsuite.types.NamedDict: return self._build_initial_named_dict_merged_config(layers, schema) elif data_type == configsuite.types.Dict: return self._build_initial_dict_merged_config(layers, schema) else: msg = "Encountered unknown type {} while building raw config" raise TypeError(msg.format(str(data_type))) def _apply_transformations(self, config): transformer = configsuite.Transformer(self._schema, MK.Transformation, ()) trans_res = transformer.transform(config) self._errors += trans_res.errors self._valid &= len(trans_res.errors) == 0 return trans_res.result def _apply_context_transformations(self, config): prelim_snapshot = self._build_snapshot(config, self._schema) try: context = self._extract_transformation_context(prelim_snapshot) # pylint: disable=broad-except except Exception as e: self._valid = False self._errors += (configsuite.ContextExtractionError(str(e), ()),) return config context_transformer = configsuite.Transformer( self._schema, MK.ContextTransformation, (context,) ) trans_res = context_transformer.transform(config) self._errors += trans_res.errors self._valid &= len(trans_res.errors) == 0 return trans_res.result def _build_named_dict_snapshot(self, config, schema): data_type = schema[MK.Type] content_schema = schema[MK.Content] dict_name = dict_keys = sorted(content_schema.keys()) dict_collection = collections.namedtuple(dict_name, dict_keys) return dict_collection( **{ key: self._build_snapshot(config.get(key), content_schema[key]) for key in content_schema } ) def _build_list_snapshot(self, config, schema): item_schema = schema[MK.Content][MK.Item] return tuple([self._build_snapshot(elem, item_schema) for elem in config]) def _build_dict_snapshot(self, config, schema): key_schema = schema[MK.Content][MK.Key] value_schema = schema[MK.Content][MK.Value] Pair = collections.namedtuple("KeyValuePair", ["key", "value"]) return tuple( [ Pair( self._build_snapshot(key, key_schema), self._build_snapshot(value, value_schema), ) for key, value in config.items() ] ) def _build_snapshot(self, config, schema): if config is None: return None data_type = schema[MK.Type] if isinstance(data_type, configsuite.BasicType): return config elif data_type == configsuite.types.NamedDict: return self._build_named_dict_snapshot(config, schema) elif data_type == configsuite.types.List: return self._build_list_snapshot(config, schema) elif data_type == configsuite.types.Dict: return self._build_dict_snapshot(config, schema) else: msg = "Encountered unknown type {} while building snapshot" raise TypeError(msg.format(str(data_type))) def _validate_readability(self, layers): readable_errors = (configsuite.UnknownKeyError, configsuite.MissingKeyError) def _not_container(schema): return not isinstance(schema[MK.Type], configsuite.types.Collection) container_validator = configsuite.Validator( self._schema, stop_condition=_not_container, apply_validators=False ) container_errors = [] for idx, layer in enumerate(layers): val_res = container_validator.validate(layer) container_errors += [ error.create_layer_error(idx) for error in val_res.errors if not isinstance(error, readable_errors) ] self._readable &= len(container_errors) == 0 self._valid &= self._readable self._errors += tuple(container_errors) def _validate_final(self): if not self.readable: err_msg = "Internal error: Not readable when doing final validation" raise AssertionError(err_msg) self._assert_state() validator = configsuite.Validator(self._schema) val_res = validator.validate(self._merged_config, self._validation_context) self._valid &= val_res.valid self._errors += val_res.errors def _assert_state(self): """Asserts that the internal state is consistent. In particular we will verify that: - not readable => not valid - valid <=> no errors """ if not self.readable and self.valid: err_msg = "Internal error: Config is valid, but not readable" raise AssertionError(err_msg) if self.valid and len(self.errors) > 0: err_msg = "Internal error: Config is valid, but has errors" raise AssertionError(err_msg) if not self.valid and len(self.errors) == 0: err_msg = "Internal error: Config is not valid, but has no errors" raise AssertionError(err_msg)